The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This mod adds a book which can be found on Alvor's workbench in Riverwood that sets the smithing skill to 100 and adds all smithing perks. You can then sell the book to get the money required to buy the materials and craft the items. Auto-installing over 600 mods makes Skyrim beautiful and confusing. By Phil Savage 05 August 2020. Penniless and without the resources to craft warmer armour. Things kept happening, and I.
So I personally am sick of crafting. Absolutely done with it. Its mind numbingly tedious, and I find myself not being able to enjoy the depth and different flavors of the game (I.E. finding loot barely registers besides ooo wow I can disenchant this). And the game honestly just seems like a chore until I get that dual enchant perk and 100 smithing. Anyways, I am creating a Nord dual wielding warrior with light armor and archery. Thats where I'm at now at about level 20 playing on Adept (yeah what a new player/casual/pleb) and so far I'm having a blast. I am only making food items and I only BUY enchanted items and use what I find in dungeons (so much more rewarding!) Im wondering i anyone else has gotten fed up and forgone crafting for a warrior/barbarian build on at least adept difficulty and how you found it to be.