Use a clean ROM for this hack) intended to enable the entire Pokemon roster of Emerald’s generation. The priority is given to expansion over difficulty, resulting in a curve that is the same as Emerald in most parts, perhaps a little more difficult in some parts due to shifting trainers’ Pokemon and movesets around. Jul 06, 2020 If you are looking for a different Pokemon emerald gaming adventure and unique Pokemon gaming experience, consider the listing of Pokemon Emerald rom hacks above. As always, if you know a game title you think worth to be added in the list, you may use the comment form below to introduce it.

Pokemon certainly is anever-ending phenomenon that unites gamers all over the world. The franchisestarted as two essential videogames for the Nintendo Game Boy back in the late’90s, and it has spawned multiple sequels and spin-offs.

The game has also made thetransition to other forms of media such as films, anime, and manga where itstill has a strong presence. Even with multiple official entries of the game tothe lore, players always want more, and that’s why there are so many Pokemonhacks available out there.

These Pokemon hacks are modified ROMs of existing games with new settings, and the inclusion of new characters to appeal to new audiences. While they are not considered canon to the story of the original releases, many of these hacks are as loved as the originals.

The following is a briefcompilation of the most popular Pokemon hacks available all over theinternet:


1. Pokemon Glazed

This one at the top of every list you will find about Pokemon hacks all over the internet. The reason is pretty simple: is an improvement over one of the best Pokemon games out there (Pokemon Emerald).

The ROM has a lot of new features, includes all the legendries from Katon to Sinnoh and you can explore at least three different regions, over twenty gyms and the option to choose one out five starters and capture them as well!

2. Pokemon Prism

Pokemon Prism is a modification of Pokemon Crystal and one of the most classic looking games out of all the hacks recommended in the list. The vintage feel and little sprites may be a turn-off for new players, but old-fashioned players will welcome it with open arms.

Prism is regarded as one of the best games out there when it comes to maneuverability and playability factor of Pokemon, a great way to start with the franchise and hacked ROMs if you are not familiar with them.

3. Pokemon Liquid Crystal

Another modification to Pokemon Crystal, this one was developed using the FireRed engine to add a lot more to the game. You get updated graphics, day and night effects as well as distinctive weather. It’s considered by many professional gamers as one of the most challenging hacks out there to beat.

Many of them also believe that the game feels a lot more like HGSS because it shows a high level of dedication and polishing.

4. Pokemon Gaia

This hack was regarded as the top mod of 2014 by the Pokemon Community hack, and it’s still in development. The game itself is a modification of Pokemon FireRed, and while the graphic part has certainly been improving the strongest selling point of this mod comes down to a single feature: Mega Evolution.

It was the most criticized part of the game that was left off by the original developers but was added on by the ROM mods. To get access to it, you have to hunt down the right mega-ring for your Pokemon of choice and activate it.

5. Pokemon Flora Sky

Flora Sky by all rights should be on top of the list too. The game mirrors an official release in almost every conceivable way, with a level of attention to detail that you don’t expect to find Ina fan-made ROM.

The only thing that keeps Flora sky from being on the top is that it doesn’t appeal to the fans of the lighthearted tone of the Pokemon storyline. Flora Sky goes a bit dark in story mode, but it more than makes up for it for offering a fairly open map.

6. Pokemon Mirage of Tales

Let’s talk for a couple ofminutes about unique takes here. This Pokemon game has a unique take since ithas a non-linear storyline. You can choose a starter of unknown type. The gameallows you to join researchers at the labs you visit. It also lets you become acop if you catch a criminal selling Pokemon, or you can become a criminal bybuying a Pokemon too.

Pokemon Modded Online

The game offers a SIMS-Esquenotion of life, but it keeps you on the road given the traveling notion ofbeing in a Pokemon world. You can still choose to pursue a hunt and collectbadges to become a gym leader, or you can go the farming route and become abreeder. Pokemon Mirage of tales is one of the most customizable games outthere.

7. Pokemon AshGray

This is the mod that manyfans have been requesting out of Nintendo for many years: a Pokemon gamefollowing the story of the original main character of the Pokemon anime: AshKetchum. The ROM is another medication of Pokemon FireRed, but this one is soradically different that it may as well be a completely different game.

Pokemon AshGray follows thesame basic storyline of the anime up to the second film. It is regarded byanime fans as one of the best mods out there and one that expands on theadventures of Ash since having him catch certain Pokemon will change thespectrum of the gameplay.

8. Pokemon Super Rising Thunder

Super rising Thunder isanother unique take on the pokemon lore and one that offers an adventure withthe characters like no other. Let’s get the pleasantries out of the way: thisPokemon hack doesn’t feature trainers, poke centers, or pokeballs to rejuvenateand heal your characters. The setting for the game is a post-apocalypticwasteland where Pokemon reign supreme. A single Pichu begins a journey to bringfood for his relatives in a village.

Pichu also has to avenge his fallen sister, and figure out why the world is the way it is now. While this hack goes to some dark places, it also features one of the best gameplays ever given to a Pokemon.

Best Modded Pokemon Emerald Roms Download

With playability that resembles a JRPG. You can form a party with other Pokemons and level up. The main adventure on this mod is the need to collect as many berries as you can inside of dungeons that will test your mettle as a player. It’s wildly different from other hacks, but one that is truly enjoyable if you like alternate takes on these characters.