Church of God In Christ (COGIC) leader Bishop Charles Edward Blake, Sr. Will not seek another term as presiding bishop and chief apostle at the next election. “I have made the decision to not seek re-election as a member of the general board or as presiding bishop,” he said to members of the denomination in a video news release. Administrative Assistant Superintendent Michael Eaddy, has been pastor of the People’s Church of the Harvest Church of God in Christ, Chicago, IL for the past 34 years. Superintendent Eaddy, received his formal undergraduate education in Business Administration and Theology, in the Chicago City Colleges & Moody Bible Institute respectively. James Griffin Sr., pastor of New Beginnings Community Church, said although he's a senior who is particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, he is 'wrestling personally' with whether to take the.

When the McGee family, moved to Monterey Peninsula they sought out a church home and became faithful working members of the Victory Temple COGIC, under the pastoral leadership of Bishop S. R. Martin. Pastor McGee remained there until he received and accepted the call of the Lord to become a Pastor.

As the founding pastor of the Emmanuel COGIC, Elder McGee, required the guidance and direction of the Lord. As he yielded to the calling God placed on his life he submitted himself to the Lord with much fasting and praying that the right decisions would be made. As Pastor McGee sought the Lord for a location, he relied on Hebrew 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”. Pastor McGee continued in fasting and prayer to God and encouraging himself. The Lord directed Pastor McGee to Reverend Johnson, pastor of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. They were in the process of relocating the church to its current location, Elm Avenue and Imperial Street, Seaside, CA. Reverend Johnson put him in contact with the property owner of Emmanuel COGIC first location, on the corner of San Lucas and Broadway.

July 1959, the little building on the corner of at San Lucas and Broadway, became the location of the Emmanuel COGIC COGIC. The building was neither grand nor pleasing to the eye, but Pastor McGee felt the he had the Lord’s approval. The name EMMANUEL COGIC meaning “God with us” was given to him by God. From that time until the present the presence of the Lord has been with the Emmanuel COGIC COGIC, Seaside, CA.

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The church continued to grow as the Lord added to the church as should be saved. With the continued growth, a larger building was needed. Under the leading of the Lord, Pastor McGee began to look for a larger building. By the divine leading of God, the Emmanuel COGIC was able to relocate to its present location, in the “Little White Church”, which was being vacated by Four Square Gospel Ministry. February 1964, 5 ½ months after its beginning, the Emmanuel COGIC COCIG relocated to 1450 Sonoma Avenue.

With the passing of time, the little white church began to deteriorate. Its gleam and splendor were gone, the building became an eye sore in the community. The Lord was sought on the matter and He heard cry of the pastor and members. After years of toiling, July 1989, Emmanuel COGIC COGIC entered into the construction project of the current edifice, with the Lord as master contractor and architect. November 2, 1989, the building that housed the Emmanuel COGIC Church Family for 25 years and 4 months was demolished.

During the construction process, which was a pivotal point for the Emmanuel COGIC Church family, Pastor H.H. Lusk, pastor of the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, was able to provide a facility in which fellowship could continue. The Emmanuel COGIC Church family gives much reverence and respect to this great leader for the compassion he had on our congregation during our time of need. His graciousness shall not be forgotten.

May 19, 1991, one year and ten months after the construction began, we were able to return to the new building, which now is home for the Emmanuel COGIC.

Seventeen years later, March 2008, because of the faithfulness of God, diligence of the members, financial institutions that had faith in our cause, donation from friends, community sponsors and much prayer... the new home of the Emmanuel COGIC was paid in full.

After the church was established, not many weeks went by before the Lord began to add to the church daily such as should be saved: Fay Coleman, and family; Brother Elam the first deacon; Sister Mary Lou Brooks, whose husband was later saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and called to preach the Gospel all in the same night. Sister Sarah King, the third Church Mother, who had many times passed the church, was directed to Emmanuel COGIC. Her son David wore a patch over his eye at the time, after being prayed for three times the patch was removed. Mother Anne McGee, the pastor’s mother, while visiting had prayer daily and other members were added to the church as the result of the daily prayer meeting. To name a few; Sister Betty Eoff and Family; The Smart Family; The Addison Family; Sister Margie Green and Family; Edward White and Family; Oliver Holmes and Family, Mother Virginia Dawson, the first appointed Church Mother; Samuel Gaskin and Family; Mother Brown, Sister Teresa Garrard and Family, The Littlejohns; The Days; Charlie Beaver and wife Willie Beaver. In 1965, Elder Beaver was called home to be with the Lord, he left the theme with us “let the redeemed of the Lord say so”.

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There have been many years of drought and struggle but the Lord has greatly blessed and honored Pastor McGee’s request: “Lord send souls to be fed even if you send them on their way”. The Lord has truly done that, many friendships have been made, many souls saved and many members have passed through this fellowship. Many great leaders, pastors, teachers, preachers, missionaries, district, state and national workers began their work for the Lord as a part of the Emmanuel COGIC, Seaside family.

In 2013, Pastor McGee passed the vision of the Emmanuel COGIC to Elder Eugene B. Jones, a faithful member of the ministry and a blessed preacher who was raised up under Pastor McGee. Pastor McGee’s legacy will be upheld as God continues to be Faithful to this ministry and all generations that have come through.

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The head of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) is firing back against one of his pastors who is accusing him of being gay, getting thousands of dollars in kickbacks and being a pedophile.

The conflict between Bishop Charles Blake and one of his Pastors, Earl Carter, started after Blake responded to Carter’s attack on gay people during the church’s annual meeting, the Holy Convocation, last year. In his response, Blake apologized profusely on behalf of the church. In Carter’s eyes, Blake’s action came off as like he “threw him under the bus.”

The Rights Of Cogic Pastor Church

Since then, Carter went in on Blake, accusing him of various sins such as molesting underage boys in Africa, receiving kickbacks from hotels of $60 per room during conventions, and having sex with an openly gay Harvard professor who is now dead, according to the Daily Mail.

Carter went on to claim that Blake, who serves as president of the Pan African Children’s Fund, went to South Africa “because little boys are accessible and you can’t go to jail. They won’t charge you.”

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As a result of Carter’s actions, Blake recently filed court papers in an effort to defend himself against the allegations. In addition to suing Carter for $75,000, Blake is looking to end Carter’s crusade against him.

“Mr. Carter’s goals are to destroy Bishop Blake’s stellar reputation, interfere with his relationship with Church of God in Christ, Inc. and drive visitors to Mr. Carter’s websites where he seeks to illegally profit off of Bishop Blake’s good name,” the papers stated as Blake detailed his reasons for filing suit.

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In Blake’s eyes, he felt compelled to sue Carter after the accusations continued to pile up and cause him and his family “immeasurable” pain.

“Bishop Blake refrained for several weeks from taking action against Mr. Carter hoping that Mr. Carter would have a change of heart and would, on his own, retract his false and defamatory accusations and apologize for the harm he has caused his family,” said Blake.


“Mr. Carter has not done that and, instead, has escalated the nature of his false accusations, such that they are now extremely inflammatory and reckless.”

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To see Carter speak on Blake, check out the video below:

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(Photo/Video Source: Earl Carter Youtube)